How do I make my boss pay me what he owes?

Hello, I’m from Canada and I’ve been working for the last three months for my internship. And I still haven’t been paid anything. On my contract it clearly states €1,000 per month, therefore my boss owes me €3,000 total. He is not responding to my messages and I don’t know what legal action I can take. Any advice would be so helpful.

Question posée le : 27/09/2019

Réponse de Équipe Ekie

Hello, Thank you for your question.

If your employer refuses to pay what he owes, you can start proceedings against him at conseil des Prud'hommes (which is the competent court to lodge a complaint against an employer in France.)

Don't hesitate to call us on our line xx.xx.xx.xx.xx if you need any more informations. Avostart

Réponse du: 01/10/2019
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